Participants of PSW TIPP Data Validation Workshop at Serena Hotel ISlamabad

Pakistan Single Window validates regulatory content of 22 OGAs for Trade Information Portal of Pakistan

Pakistan Single Window (PSW) inches closer towards the launch of cross border trade related Trade Information Portal of Pakistan (TIPP). The PSW team has achieved another milestone by validating the regulatory content of 22 OGAs (Other Government Agencies) as listed in PSW Act 2021 with the active contribution of all trade regulators.

TIPP serves as a single online repository for all cross border trade related information including updated trade regulations, processes procedures, statistics, forms, information requirements and fee structure etc. It will be fully operational by March 2022.

The validation workshops were held separately in Karachi and Islamabad from 16 to 17 November and 22 to 24 November respectively. The validation workshops were able to get sign offs from different government departments. TIPP’s OGAs refer to those government agencies who are mentioned in the import and export policy orders.

“Validation is a critical step until its regulator verifies the information for digitizing the regulatory measures with accuracy and correctness on a single trade facilitation portal,” states Umair Mahmood Siddiqui, Project Lead TIPP in PSW.

This trade validation process has brought in organizations which regulate 80% of trade quantum in Pakistan. For the first time, TIPP will have immediate and most recent trade statistics with regards to imports and exports from Pakistan.

Chief Executive Officer of PSW Aftab Haider said that TIPP is another fulfilment of our commitment to facilitate Pakistan’s international trade by improving transparency and access to information. “Timely, reliable, and correct information is key to improving trader compliance. I’m very happy with the way customs and OGAs have come together in developing the TIPP,” he added.

The 100% content validation of different departments was completed including DRAP, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Interior, Pakistan Tobacco Board, Alternative Energy Development Board, the Ozone Unit and International Cooperation (IC) wings of Ministry of Climate Change, EPA Punjab and Pak EPA, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Pakistan Stone Development Company and PEMRA.

Moreover, the content validation was also completed for Narcotics Control Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Wildlife Department of KP, Ministry of Commerce, and Aviation Division. Furthermore, the validation included Federal Seeds Certification and Registration Department under Minister of National Food Security & Research. These also included PSQCA, Animal Quarantine Department and the Department for Plant Protection. Additionally, partial validation was conducted by Ministry of Defense Production.

Moreover, new content was created for Department of Explosives and new information was received from Engineering Development Board and Marine Fisheries Department.

During the closing ceremony, Member, Board of Directors PSWC Mukaram Jah Ansari was appreciative of the role everyone has played in the data validation for TIPP. “It gives me excitement to see this exercise complete and hope when Pakistan is appreciated that it has the best single window, the role of these OGAs will also be added into it,” he said.

Besides achieving compliance with commitments under WTO’s Agreement on Trade Facilitation, the establishment of TIPP will greatly enhance transparency and ease of doing business for all stakeholders including economic operators, investors, academia and public sector organizations.

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Pakistan Single Window (PSW) is an initiative of Pakistan’s federal government with a focus of transforming the trade and industry ecosystem. PSW encompasses multiple endeavors related to business processes re-engineering, integrated risk management, ports community systems, introduction of new technology for trade management, data standardization and harmonization and integrated tariff management system.

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