Pakistani Celebrities: More Vulgar than Indian Celebrities

Pakistani Celebrities: More Vulgar than Indian Celebrities

The recent media posts of some of the Pakistani celebrities prove that they are more vulgar than some of their Indian counterparts.

Pakistani Celebrities: More Vulgar than Indian Celebrities. Although you may not agree with the term vulgar. After all, this term has changed its meaning in entirety. Moreover, its meaning also depends on the culture, region, environment and the era. Just a hundred years ago or in 1920’s, wearing a skirt was considered vulgar in major European cities. Some of the trendy dresses of our times would also be vulgar in London or Paris in those times. But as times change, our lifestyles, thoughts, traditions and practices also change. Probably, this is the reason that there is a shift in the vulgarity trends as well.

The recent trends in dressing is transforming with every passing day. There is a trend that transforms one year, and the next year it is over. However, the trends in dresses had always been modest in Indian Subcontinent. For instance, the Muslims and Hindus lived in combined region of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh for several hundred years. The Mughals ruled India for around four centuries. Thus, the Islamic rulers had forced the region to be more modest in dressing.

As India and Pakistan got freedom in 1947, both the countries chose to follow their own cultural. religious and national identities. Although, Hindus were in majority. Yet, India tried to showcase itself as a liberal and secular nation. At the same time, Pakistan was promoting its Islamic identity. While it is another issue that today India does not remain secular and promotes its Hindutva forcefully on other minorities. Yet, the country gave an impression of being a secular nation in the early years.

On the other hand, Pakistan was always a symbol of its Islamic identity. The country’s constitution specifically calls its basis of existence on the Islamic principles. So, what happened to its celebrities that they are being more vulgar than their Indian counterparts?

Pakistani Celebrities: More Vulgar than Indian Celebrities

Pakistan’s history is marked with significant changes as the time passed. For instance, the country has seen several years of military rule in its existence. Moreover, the country has supported the freedom movements in Kashmir and Palestine. Yet, its own internal history has also faced serious challenges.

Mahira Khan wearing Saree

On independence, the country came out of shackles of British Raj. The society had seen independence after over a hundred years. Thus, the country was a moderate Islamic society in its early years. There were movements for Islamization of culture, society and politics from the very beginning. Yet, the actual changes were brought in by former military ruler General Zia-ul-Haq in 1980’s. By the end of his rule in 1988, the country was much conservative, radicalized and closed. The decade of 1990’s was almost similar. There was a significant difference amongst the moderate community which was a large number of people and the lewd; the pleasure loving smaller groups.

It was again the era of a military ruler which changed the entire course for Pakistan. Yes, the rule of General Pervez Musharraf ended up in Pakistan becoming a liberal country. The liberal at that tine still meant some limits. There was lesser ingress of the social media, the TV and newspapers were able to create discourse and the society still had some modesty left in them.

Culture of Watching Half Naked Bodies

Well, the discussion surrounds our upbringing. There were times that Pakistanis would turn off their TV screens in case of a vulgar dance of a Bollywood song. It was unthinkable in previous years to watch half naked bodies in front of parents. In fact, the vulgar of those times also seems less vulgar. The vulgar of those times was just showing the belly; there were sleeves on shoulders and covered legs. Today, the social media has entirely altered the concept of vulgarity.

Pakistani Celebrity Actress Sana Javed

So let’s dive into what happened. If we observe, the Indian society was open to this sort of dressing from the very beginning. It was the years of Islamic influence that had stopped them from it. However, as they separated, they followed their own culture. Bollywood was a great help to showcase it to the world. At the same time, Hollywood was already very open to such excesses. Thus, Pakistani celebrities were left to follow their Indian counterparts in order to survive in their dying industry. Initially, this influence was visible on the film industry. However, one can see its impact on the Pakistani dramas as well.

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