ICT Exports increase by 22.67% in December

ICT Exports increase by 22.67% in December

ICT Exports increase by 22.67% in December. The ICT export remittances have increased by US$ 64 million (8.99%) to US$ 1.455 billion during July to December 2023 of FY2023-24. It is in comparison to US$ 1.335 billion reported for the same period last year. Efforts of Minister of IT & Telecommunication Dr. Umar Saif in […]

5 Policy Recommendations for Growth of IT & ITES in Pakistan

5 Policy Recommendations for Growth of IT & ITES in Pakistan

5 Policy Recommendations for Growth of IT & ITES in Pakistan. Pakistan’s IT and ITeS industry are one of the regional examples for constant and steadfast growth in the last few years. The country has shown exemplary success in the IT specific growth with a significant share in the national GDP growth. It has a […]