Baluchistan Chief Justice joins as Supreme Court Judge

Baluchistan Chief Justice joins as Supreme Court Judge

Baluchistan Chief Justice joins as Supreme Court Judge. Mr. Justice Gulzar Ahmed, Chief Justice of Pakistan administered the oath of office to Mr. Justice Jamal Khan Mandokhail, Chief Justice High Court of Baluchistan as Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan i.e. 09.08.2021 at Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad. It was a simple and dignified ceremony. The honorable Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Attorney General for Pakistan, senior lawyers, Law Officers and officers of Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan attended the ceremony. The Registrar of Supreme Court of Pakistan conducted the proceedings of oath taking ceremony. Moreover, the officers and staff of the Supreme Court of Pakistan were also present on the occasion.

Born on 12 November 1961, Justice Mandokhail has been a judge of Baluchistan High Court since 7 September 2009. The 59 year old judge has completed his judicial service for 12 years in the provincial high court. He was also the Senior Justice of Baluchistan High Court since 1 September 2018. Thus, his elevation to the Supreme Court would mean utilization of his expertise in the Supreme Court.

Strength of the Supreme Court of Pakistan

The Supreme Court of Pakistan consists of 17 judges. This includes the Chief Justice of Pakistan who is the administrative head of the highest federal court. Once appointed, justices are expected to completed a designated term and then retire at 65 years old, unless their term is terminated through resignation or impeachment through the Supreme Judicial Council. A judge who has retired as a justice of the Supreme Court is debarred from practicing in any court of law or before any other authority in Pakistan.

Currently, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has 16 incumbent judges. There is a search for the 17th judge of the Supreme Court on Ad Hoc basis.

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The Ad Hoc appointment in the supreme court is a process where the quorum of Judges is not possible to complete the sitting number of justices in the court. Or if it is necessary to increase the number of justices in the Supreme Court.
