Daughter of Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader and Nelson Mandela of Kashmirs Freedom Struggle Mohammad Yasin Malik shares SOS Call for Help
Raziyah Sultan Appeals Against Illegal Confinement of Yasin Malik who is on a hunger strike against his illegal and inhumane imprisonment by the Indian authorities.
Raziyah Sultan appeals though asking for help to the global community. She begins, “Hello, my name is Raziyah Sultan, daughter of Mohammad Yasin Malik, a Kashmiri Hurriyat leader who has been illegally sentenced to 2 Life Imprisonments and seeking Capital Punishment by Indian courts and kept in the Death Cell of Tihar Jail. My father has fought tirelessly for the basic human rights of the people in Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Today, he has started a hunger strike unto death, protesting the severe restrictions and brutalities inflicted upon him and other Kashmiris.”
Although, she is too young at the age of 12. Still, Raziyah has shown strong perseverance amid her father’s long absence from her life.
Raziyah Sultan Appeals
The emotional appeal shares how she could not see him for the last 10 years. “I saw my father as a 2 year old baby over 10 years ago. Since then, he has been denied visits from family, access to legal defense, no life saving drugs and any opportunity to voice his case. As a chronic heart and kidney patient now on hunger strike, I fear deeply for his life. His only “crime” is standing up for the oppressed.”
“I urgently appeal to the Permanent 5 countries, governments of China, the USA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom ,European Countries, OIC, Pakistan, Overseas Kashmiris and the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Committee Against Torture, ICRC and all international human rights bodies to please focus on my father’s case and help us secure his release,” she added.
The young lady is asking for justice against the oppression in an unjust world. “We ask for justice, for his right to life, and for his freedom,” says Raziyah Sultan.
Mushaal Hussein Mullick’s Appeal
At the same time, her mother and wife of Jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik, Mushaal Hussein Mullick has also appealed to world leaders and advocates for justice to take notice of the situation. She has separately written a letter to Rahul Gandhi, India’s Opposition Leader in Indian Parliament.
She states, “My husband, Mohammad Yasin Malik, a chronic heart and kidney patient, a symbol of Non Violence and proponent of Kashmir’s peaceful resistance now faces life threatening neglect in Tihar Jail. He urgently needs medical attention. He’s on an indefinite hunger strike since 1st November which can be fatal for his health, he is being denied proper medical care, no doctor of his choice, not being given life saving drugs and no right to a fair trial.”
She wants the Indian authorities to shift him to ICU facility in hospital immediately before it’s too late.
The circumstances depict the face of Indian authorities who continue to torture a woman and her daughter across the border. While India continues to spread its terror doctrine across the world. It can be imagined how Indian authorities act within the Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.