Jaffar Brothers distances itself from Zahir Jaffer

Jaffar Brothers distances itself from Zahir Jaffer

Jaffar Brothers distances itself from Zahir Jaffer. The brutal killing of Noor Mukaddam had shocked the entire nation. The murderer of Noor is a high profile businessman who is associated with Ahmed Jaffer & Company (Private) Limited. Resultantly, a number of media entities, social media users and influencers were aligning his business with the Jaffer Brothers.

It may be noted that Jaffer Brothers was founded before the creation of Pakistan. Jaffer Brothers was able to gather success through its large business empire. However, it also means that the family will be split in different sub-structures with several separate families under the umbrella.

Thus, the Jaffer Brothers have been trying to clarify from the day of this incident that they are separate from Zahir Jaffer’s family. The clarification includes that they might have close family linkages in the early days of Pakistan’s creation. However, the group had split long ago. The current Jaffer Brothers was able to establish itself separately from the Zahir Jaffer’s family in the 1970’s.

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A public notice appearing on the website of Jaffer Brothers

Clarification from Jaffer Brothers

The business split of Ahmed E. H. Jaffer & Co with Jaffer Brothers (Pvt.) Limited happened in the 1970s that is 50 years ago. Since then there have been no common business interests between Jaffer Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd. and Ahmed E. H. Jaffer & Co. Ltd. and also eventually AJCL.

Ahmed E. H. Jaffer was one of the founding fathers of Jaffer Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd. and not the sole founder. None of the members of AJCL and Ahmed Jaffer & Co. are Directors, Advisors or Employees of Jaffer Brothers (Pvt.) Limited.

Please note that all these names of different family members mentioned in media are part of the extended Jaffer family but not part of the family that owns and runs the Jaffer Brothers (Pvt.) Limited, which is a separate and independent business group.

For further details about Jaffer Group of Companies visit www.jaffer.com.
