Afghan ambassador's daughter Silsila's kidnapping was staged by hostile agencies

Afghan ambassador’s daughter Silsila’s kidnapping was staged by hostile agencies

Afghan ambassador’s daughter Silsila’s kidnapping was staged by hostile agencies. It is evident that it was never in Pakistan’s interest to perform any activity which could damage the country’s image, especially when it’s facing serious allegations in terms of supporting Taliban. Her kidnapping did help the hostile agencies as the story was able to get international media’s attention immediately. Thus, a high level inquiry was ordered in Islamabad. The sources claim that Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed the Interior Minister to submit a detailed report. Otherwise, he was threatened with sacking of his minister-ship. Thus, a detailed inquiry showcased another picture of this kidnapping. Rather, this entire kidnapping saga has much more in the background.

Kidnapping Saga of Afghan ambassador’s daughter Silsila Alikhil

Ms. Silsila Alikhail is the daughter of Afghanistan’s ambassador to Pakistan. She is well aware of the security protocols for her family in the host country. Yet, she chose to travel by Careem, a tech enabled cab service. The sources claim that she came out of Diplomatic Enclave on foot. Islamabad’s Diplomatic Enclave is one of the most secure areas in the country with several embassies and residential establishments for foreign nationals. This zone is not accessible to the general public without special approval from senior police officials. The Careem car was told to wait on the main Constitution Avenue of Islamabad in front of Foreign Office. Usually, the people coming out of the Diplomatic Enclave are not questioned and neither do they go through identity checks. Therefore, nobody knew that it was Ms. Silsila who was going out of the area.

From here, she took a ride to Raja Bazaar in Rawalpindi. It is a congested area within Rawalpindi where people get stuck for hours due to heavy movement. It is specifically a wholesale market where one can find every product in a cheap price. The question arises here that why would Afghanistan’s Ambassador’s daughter travel to a very busy area of Rawalpindi when most of Islamabad’s own residents even wouldn’t visit the area?

Silsila’s kidnapping at Tehzeeb Bakers

Howsoever, Ms. Silsila moved back to Islamabad safely and reached Tehzeeb Bakers in Blue Area. The sources claim that a man took her on gunpoint from this place. Whatever happened in between is unknown. Yet, she was thrown back on Margalla Road. A Careem Captain saw her and came to assist as she was handcuffed and bleeding. He immediately took her to a nearby hospital belonging to defense services considering it an emergency. Since, the defense hospitals do not take emergency cases from civilians, he was directed to take her to nearby Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences – PIMS hospital.

As it was already being reported in media that Afghanistan’s ambassador’s daughter was abducted and missing. The hospital authorities immediately informed the security agencies of her presence while giving her first aid at the establishment. Ms. Silsila was safely sent home thereafter.

The sources claim that the investigations revealed it to be a staged action. The movement of Ms. Silsila was not usual on that day. Moreover, there were several lies as investigations were conducted. She claimed that her phone was snatched. However, the CCTV footages showed that she possessed the phone in every image.  Thus, they claim that RAW & NDS may be involved in the activity to damage Pakistan’s image globally.

False Information to the Investigators

The authorities are unable to understand that why wouldn’t Afghanistan’s Ambassador’s daughter provide actual information to the authorities. She did not share her movement or activity with investigating officers. Rather, she was reluctant to respond to different questions or sharing false information.

Additionally, the authorities also believe that it may be a dispute between a couple and Ms. Silsila may be hiding something. The authorities were able to identify and arrest the two individuals who picked her up the first time and the second time. Both the individuals are in custody of Pakistani security agencies. However, the identity of the individual who abducted her is being hidden by the claimant herself.

Most interestingly, the Afghan Ambassador was also briefed by the investigators. He was informed of Pakistan’s intention to nab the culprits. However, the Afghan administration chose to evacuate the entire staff of Afghanistan Embassy in Islamabad. This is also incomprehensible for Pakistani security establishment that why wouldn’t he want to nab the culprits. The announcement of evacuation merely seems to be an effort to disguise the international media and the governments to further cement a falsified story of abduction.

Silsila and the Indian Chronicles

In 2019, a EU Disinfo Lab showed how Indian government was involved in a fake media and NGO branding activity in Europe, USA and other Western countries. The attempt was titled as Indian Chronicles by the European Union. It described the attempt of Indian government to discredit Pakistan through engaging fake or closed entities and using even dead people to conduct propaganda against Pakistan at the highest levels in United Nations as well as several parliaments.

The authorities believe that it may be another Indian Chronicles like attempt to undermine Pakistani interests globally and showcase it as a supporter of Taliban. It also calls for understanding of international media that Pakistan is a victim of this new delusional propaganda war. In this, Pakistan continues to fight at the ground and the perceptual level at the same time.

It seems to be another desperate attempt to link the Al-Qaeda’s Return and Taliban Strength After the Withdrawal of Foreign Troops from Afghanistan to Pakistan. It strengthens the belief that Afghan ambassador’s daughter Silsila’s kidnapping was staged by hostile agencies.
